Experts in Sport

E65 - Sport for climate action and nature

Loughborough University Season 4 Episode 32

Dr Mark Doidge (Reader in Sociology of Sport), Katie Cross (Founder of Pledgeball) and Jenny Amann (PhD student at Loughborough University talk about the impact of climate change on sport.


00:00 - 06:03 - Introduction to guests, background and topic of the episode
06:04 - 09:02 - What is Pledgeball now and how do people get involved?
09:03 - 15:06 - Loughborough University's involvement in this topic
15:07 - 17:00 - Personal appreciation of the sport and reasons for involvement
17:01 - 20:39 - How does Pledgeball attempt to mobilise fans into making climate-related changes?
20:40 - 39:54 - What are common pledges and types of pledges
39:55 - 51:47 - “I hadn’t realised change is NOT a difficult thing, mobilising football fans on climate change”
51:48 - 54:32 - Cultural change in football
54:33 - 58:28 - Where is research regarding climate action and nature?
58:29 - 01:01:09 - The power of sport to be agents of change, Thank you to the guests and final thoughts